Monday, March 28, 2011

"Girl" Friends

Friends are an area in my life I have always struggled with. I had 3 brothers, so I never really fit in with the girls and really didn't care to for a long time. Once I did start desiring other girl's friendship I quickly realized, girls are mean. We weren't rich, I wore a lot of boy's uniform clothes because that is what thrift stores had. I had terrible hair and more than once over-heard so called"friends" making fun of me behind my back. I hated middle school.

High school was 4 years of me trying to do whatever I could for girl's to want to be my friend, sometimes at the cost of ignoring who Christ had made me to be.

Tonight, I had a phone "date" with one of my closest friends (whom I have known since middle school but lives 8 hours away) and I realized how truly blessed I am. God has blessed me with not one or two, but a group of ladies who I know I really can call "friend". Some of them I get together with during the week for kids playdates. Some I only see at church on Sunday yet they intentionally seek out time to talk. Two live in my house and call me to be a better wife, mother and friend in encouraging ways.

It is funny. Of 2 of my best friends, one lives 8 hours away and one lives downstairs and God uses them both equally in my life. Carey calls at just the right time, prays for me without even knowing it, makes me laugh harder than anyone I know. Elizabeth is a blessing to my life I would have never imagined. She is there when I need to vent, is completely honest with me and willing to share her heart, can also make me laugh even when I am pissed off at the world and is always there. These ladies get me. I don't ever have to pretend I am someone I am not and I have never felt the temptation to compromise who God has called me to be.

I only hope I can be just as good of a friend back to them and all the wonderful women God has blessed me with in my life. Thank-you ladies for including me, loving me, and being great friends.

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